The Humane Society is re-thinking a long standing rule against adopting out animals in the weeks surrounding Christmas. The thought was people would give pets as gifts to people who don’t want them, and they’d end up back at the shelter.
This year, many shelters have decided to actually run promotions throughout the holiday season. Shelters workers say they have rarely, if ever seen animals returned after the holidays.
There are many amazing animals available right now. If you were waiting till after the holidays because you thought there was an adoption moratorium, guess what, you’re in luck! Please make sure that you follow adoption protocol, and if you’re adopting for someone else, just forgo the surprise and let them know ahead of time. Take them to the shelter with you, or perhaps write them a check for the adoption fee and stick it in a card!
Petfinder is a great resource for finding shelter pets.
Read/listen more about this on MPBN: Giving Pets For the Holidays, a Good or Bad Idea?